Goring C. of E. Primary School

Collective Worship

Collective worship is central to the life of our school. Worship offers the children and others in our school an opportunity to reflect on values and issues in the context of our Christian ethos.

The school holds daily worship every morning. Ben, the vicar, leads collective worship once a week. Visiting speakers, church leaders and representatives from other local churches are also invited to lead collective worship during the year on a regular basis. The festivals of Harvest, Christmas and Easter are celebrated in the parish church, St Thomas of Canterbury. Termly themes are used as a focus for acts of worship. During the year each class has the opportunity to present a class assembly, to celebrate and share what they have been doing. Parents and friends are invited to attend.

Parents have a legal right to withdraw their child from collective worship and where this is requested an alternative arrangement would be made for their supervision.

Collective worship timetable

  Monday   Whole-school collective worship (led by Mrs Wheatcroft or Mrs Mitchell)
  Tuesday   Singing worship
  Wednesday   Whole-school collective worship (led by the vicar or curate)
  Thursday    Whole-school collective worship (led by the class teachers)
  Friday   Whole-school collective worship (led by Mrs Wheatcroft or Miss Grey)

The Worship Squad meets regularly to oversee collective worship, discuss what is working and what we can do to improve it further. Its role is not only to oversee worship but to evaluate it and promote our Christian values in our school. The Worship Squad also supports in the leading of worship. It is made up of pupils, our Collective Worship coordinator and our vicar, Ben.

For more information about the Diocese of Oxford, please click here.

To see the Collective Worship policy, please go to the Policies and Forms page.